About AxCell Labs.

AxCell Labs is a biotechnology company specializing in the production of bacterial cellulose for the medical industry. Founded in 2021, our team focuses on the design and development of implants in membrane or injectable form with the aim of stimulating the formation of new soft tissue required in several reconstructive surgeries.


Decembre 2020

Createk Grand prize.
In the research category of the Université de Sherbrooke (UdS) pitch competition.


Febuary 2021

Campany start-up.
AxCell Labs is incorporated and admitted to the ACET. Activities begin with the lauch of a Mitacs partnership.


Novembre 2021

Sweet Pharma Day.
AxCell Labs is recognized as one of the 16 most prominent biotech startups in Quebec.


January 2022

Absence of cytotoxicity.
AxCell Labs’ bacterial cellulose does not promote cell mortality in vitro.


March 2023

Preclinical study completed.
AxCell Labs’ bacterial cellulose is exceptionally biocompatible when implanted in rats.

Our team

Jérémie Chaussé


With a background in biotechnology, Jérémie Chaussé cofounded AxCell Labs in 2021. Today, he is the company’s CEO. In this position, he has helped AxCell win several competitions, awards and grants, including the Createk, Ose Entreprendre and Mitacs competitions. His master’s degree, which focused on the characterization and use of bacterial cellulose in various industries, helped steer the company’s development towards rapid commercialization. His leadership, organizational and communication skills have also proved highly relevant in training new interns, bringing projects to fruition and sharing AxCell Labs’ mission.

Vincent-Daniel Girard


Vincent-Daniel Girard is Vice President, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of AxCell Labs. Passionate about agri-food biotechnology, Vincent-Daniel has nearly 5 years’ practical experience in bacterial, yeast and fungal fermentation. Having completed his master’s degree on the in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of bacterial cellulose, Vincent-Daniel adds mammalian cell culture to his skills, as well as the design and execution of experimental protocols on live models. Co-founder of AxCell Labs, Vincent-Daniel uses his knowledge to catalyze the ongoing development of bacterial cellulose, bringing a high-value-added product to market.


Dominique Dorion

Dominique Dorion


Born in Quebec City in another millennium, Dominique Dorion graduated in medicine from Laval University in 1985. This was followed by 6 years of complementary training in cervico-facial oncology and microvascular reconstruction at the University of Toronto. Based in Sherbrooke since 1993, he has chaired numerous committees in Canada and around the world. He was recognized by his peers with a “Oeuvre d’une vie” award in 2021 by the Canadian ENT Association. Dean of Sherbrooke’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences since 2017, he promotes commitment, passion and social responsibility.

Christian Iorio-Morin

Christian Iorio-Morin


Christian Iorio-Morin is a clinical neurosurgeon-researcher. After graduating from the Université de Sherbrooke’s neurosurgery program in 2019, he completed a fellowship in functional neurosurgery at the University of Toronto, before moving to CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS to set up a deep brain stimulation program. His career combines surgery, research and entrepreneurship. He is involved in several start-ups to facilitate technology transfer and accelerate the time-to-market of promising technologies.